Sunday, April 25, 2010

Assignment 15

Welcome to My PLE!

I really enjoyed this video. This is an amazing use of technology in the schools. It was fascinating to see a seventh grader learning the the same way we are learning in this class. She seemed to be very knowledgeable about the technology and really enjoying the fact that all of her assignments are computer based. It really is nice to see an example of where the learning is placed on the students shoulders and they are so motivated by it. I hope that my children are one day doing these same types of activities in school. I also really liked the way she organized and uses her personal learning environment. My PLN is not as involved as hers, but it is very useful to me. I know that it will constantly be changing and evolving.

Two Question That Can Change Your Life by Daniel Pink

These are two very good questions that make me think. The first one was... what is my sentence? I don't have an answer to that one yet, but I am motivated to find out. Right now I kind of feel like JFK with too much going on and everything gets muddled. This does give me a goal to one day have a sentence. The second one was... was I better today than yesterday? These are words I live by. Although, I can't always answer yes to it, I sure can try. I hope to instill this in my children as well. They should always strive for their personal best and there is always room for improvement.

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